World Directory of Leisure Aviation
2012/2013 is available
The englisch version of the leading annual index of the light aircraft that shows with a circulation of 130,000 copies and 4 different versions (English, German, Chinese, French), the world of light aviation in its nuances. As every year, he deals with all forms of light aviation: motors, each UL cathegory, kits, certified single engine, supplies, accessories, just everything!
To Order World Directory of Leisure Aviation 2012/2013
The German version is called Flügel: Welt - Index Ul & Flugzeuge
The Chinese version is called Global Directory of Light Aviation
The French version is called Le Mondial de L'Aviation
Please visit the WEP page of World Direktory of Leisure Aviation, too, the home of the World Directories of all kinds of light and free Aviation
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