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动荡的世界, 变革的轻型飞机业 (Dynamic change in Light Aviation in a dynamically changing World)



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AERO 2023 - 照常营业? 916 iS :只是现在—未来还 是两者兼而有之?

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Vol. 4 2022

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Editorial: 逐渐恢复的通航业由创新引领


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Vol. 3 2022

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Editorial: 逐渐恢复的通航业由创新引领


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Vol. 2 2022 AERO Guide

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Vol. 4. 2021 1.2022(68 Pages)

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Editorial: 双碳时代的百花齐放-- 写在2022 年德国AERO 通航展之前



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Vol. 2. + 3. 2021 (76 Pages)

Content 2. + 3. 2021

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资本热潮中的eVTOL 产业发展之路


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Vol. 4 2020 / 1 2021

Content 4 2020 / 1 2021

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资本热潮中的eVTOL 产业发展之路


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Vol. 4 2019

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Vol. 3 2019

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See You at Airshow China 2014 at Zuhai: Nov. 11-16, 2014 in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China.
Zuhai Air Show



Flying China 

Vol. 8  3/2014 

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Vol. 7  2/2014 

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Vol. 6  2014 

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Vol. 5 Decenber 2013 

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Flying China 

Vol. 4 October 2013 

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Flying China 

Vol. 3 Juli August 2013 七月 八月 

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封面故事 Cover Story:
 后起之秀——泰克南P2010 飞机 P Twenty-Ten —— Tecnam's Handle for The Stars

测试飞行 Test:  
幸运星座 —— 猎户座 Lucky Star——M24 Orion

测试飞行 Test:  
Revo 三角翼 引领行业新速度 重定行业新标准的全美建造动力三角 翼飞机 Evolving the Trike to New Heights (and Speeds) All-American Trike Sets New Standard

行业观察 Market Watch
购机前“准备份” The Things You Need to Know When Importing Aircrafts

行业观察 Market Watch
艰难的起降 —— 从一次小飞机的调机 看低空空域管理改革 A Hard Cross - Country Flight of a LSA Airplane - Think About Low Altitude Airspace Management Reform 

行业观察 Market Watch 
中航国际收购Thielert 航空活塞发动 机,将携手大陆发动机重返航空竞赛 AVIC Acquires Thielert Aircraft Engines, Returns to Air Racing together with Continental 

 产品与科技 Technology
德国的轻型直升机 Ultra-Light Helicopters in Germany 

产品与科技 Technology
Dynon D1 袖珍面板 可以装入口袋的EFIS Dynon D1 Pocket Panel An EFIS for your“ pocket”

产品与科技 Technology
 峰力 FreeCom 5000/7000 无托架 的超轻便耳机 Phonak FreeCom 5000/7000 Without Bracket -Light As A Feather

航空日志 Air Logs
雨幕下的法国巴黎大航展 Good show & rainy weather in France - Paris Air Show 2013


航空日志 Air Logs
2013  奥什克什飞来者大会 AirVenture Oshkosh 2013

自由飞行 Free Flying
我在中国的飞行之旅 My Paragliding in China ITV

自由飞行 Free Flying
 鸟人大赛各地轮番上演 Flug Tag

航空组织 Organization
 小型飞机认证规章调整 势在必得 Restructuring the Certification Rules for Small Airplanes

航空组织 Organization 
2013 奥什科什航展 最棒的一届“飞来者大会”? BEST AIRVENTURE EVER? Aviation's Summer Celebration of Flight 201376

航空组织 Organization 
我学习后三点式机型飞行 My Experience On Getting Tailwheel Endorsement

Vol. 2

Flying China 
Vol. 2 Mai 2013



封面故事 Cover Story
不一样的天空——2013 年德国AERO 航展印象
A Different Sky My Visit to AERO 2013


测试飞行 Tests

飞得更远更好——德国Comco Ikarus 公司的C52/C42 轻型运动飞机 Farer and Better C52/C42 LSA

Airborne 四冲程电启动三角翼 Four Stroke, Electric Start Trike 

封闭式座舱Calidus 旋翼机 Closed Tandem Calidus Gyro 

钻石DA40 NG 型飞机 Diamond DA40 NG


行业观察 Market Watch 

滨奥——渐进的步伐 BIN AO – Steady Progress
国内私人飞机运营者与你说“飞机超市”Emerging Private Aircraft Supermarket in China


产品与科技 Technology

超轻机如何保持纵向稳定?nCentre of Gravity
高端之选——森海塞尔S1 数字航空耳机 Sennheiser S1 Digital Headset at High-end Sky


航空日志 Air Logs
AERO 2013 航展回放  -  Aero 2013 Review


二手飞机 Pre-Owned

自由飞行 Free Flying
绿光寰宇2013 北极探险飞行 Green Light World Flight

航空组织 Organization
蓄势待发的中国通用航空 General Aviation in China Poised To Takeoff
轻型运动飞机发展之路与崛起的中国 市场 Rising Trends In Aviation



Vol 1.





Flying China Bimonthy Vol. 1 自由飞行杂志

自由飞行杂志 Flying China Vol 1 March 2013 - 20133第一版初版本

Contents 目次

新闻 News


封面故事 Cover Story

12 导购五花八门小飞机 BuyerGuide to Various Private Aircraft

测试飞行 Tests

18 CT 超轻型的重量讨论 CT Supralight, Arguments of Weight

24 超高性价比的MALIBU MIRAGE Piper Mirage in a Class of Its Own

30 BioniX 来自法国Air Création 的可调 速柔性翼三角翼 Adjustable Flex Wing by
     French World Market Leader Air Création

行业观察 Market Watch

36 海王两栖飞机:海中之王 SeaRey – The King of the Ocean

42 美国大陆发动机中国市场开拓进展顺利 Smooth Move On of USA Continental Motors

44 多一个安全备份 多一份生命保障 Piper Mirage in a Class of Its Own

产品与科技 Technology

48 旋翼机的繁荣之路 The Boom of Gyrocopter

52 走近运动航空模拟机 Learning About Sport Aviation Simulator

56 飞行汽车——虚幻还是现实 The Flying Car, Fact or Fiction?

航空日志 Air Logs

64 气候冷峻 生意火热的赛百灵航展 SEBRING 2013 Cold Wind & Cool Business

68 2013 AERO 航展预报 AERO 2013 Preview

二手飞机 Pre-Owned

Plane market  飞机及配件的销售页。

自由飞行 Free Flying

74 驾驶超轻型飞机欣赏地球原生态的美 Enjoy the Earth Colors in ULM

飞行培训 Fly Training

Find your school 这里是飞行学校找



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2012 November Demo Volume 2012 年11 月 FC 样刊

测试报告Test Report
P16 泰克南推出新款P92后三点式起落架飞机
    The New Tecnam P92 Taildragger
技胜一筹的  Malibu Mirage
    Piper Malibu Mirage In A Class of Its Own
Airborne 四冲程103 部电 力起动三角翼
    Airborne's T-Lite Thermalite+Core Four Stroke, Electric Start Part 103 Trike

西安航空基地专栏 CAIB
西安阎良航空产业基地 —— 中国飞机城
CAIB-China's Aircraft City

飞行生活 Exquisite Life
Flugtour Bahamas
飞到哪 玩到哪
Enjoy Flying Without Limitation

翱翔 MotoGliding
Only for glider with engine

飞行实务 Flying Matters
购买指南、专业知识、机 场介绍
How to buy aircraft, professional knowledge, ga airport

俱乐部 Flying Clubs
Flying activities and interactive with readers

航空日历 Air Logs
会飞的汽车, 童话还是 现实?
The Flying Car, Fact or Fiction?

飞行学校 Flight School

飞行员商店 Pilot's Shop

二手机 Pre-owned aircraft

国际资讯 NEWS

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World Directory of Light Aviation WDLA Chinese Version 2022-2023


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World Directory of Light Aviation WDLA Chinese Version 2021-2022


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World Directory of Light Aviation WDLA Chinese Version 2020-2021


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Today was the 1st day of a successful online forum with speakers from all over the world. Over 200 people attended the conference. You can follow the forum streaming live with simultaneous translations in English and Chinese.

Breakout rooms will be available from 1:00pm onwards, to ask questions directly to the speakers or for social/business networking purposes.

Time : 9 and 10th December from 9:00am GMT+1 until 3:00pm

Software requirement : Latest ZOOM version 5.4 and over

Login : CLICK HERE to join the e-Flight Forum on ZOOM

Meeting ID: 874 8749 1101
Passcode: 271366

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

See on Youtube


Aujourd'hui était le premier jour d'un forum en ligne réussi, avec des intervenants du monde entier. Plus de 200 personnes ont participé à la conférence. Vous pouvez suivre le forum en direct avec des traductions simultanées en anglais et en chinois.

Des salles de réunion virtuelles seront disponibles à partir de 13h00, pour poser des questions directement aux intervenants, ou pour des fins de réseautage social/affaires.

Horaire : 9 et 10 décembre de 9h00 GMT+1 à 15h00

Logiciel : Dernière version de ZOOM 5.4 et plus

Connexion : CLIQUEZ ICI pour rejoindre le Forum e-Flight sur le ZOOM

ID de la réunion : 874 8749 1101
Code d'accès : 271366
Nous nous réjouissons de vous y rencontrer.

World Directory of Light Aviation WDLA Chinese Version 2016-2017

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Aviators Hot Line

世界航空中之翼 2014-2015

World Directory of Light Aviation WDLA Chinese Version 2014-2015


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昨天的幻想 Yesterday Fantasy


兙樬㭮㘘凟朘藺辦褻胾尨䰳㱊魈糞 喩摻鞅廝噦屘傰幈僷莍榊槡弚桹焥兙娒楏審鍑杶 莍靟㐃䰳悷栁崬脧曬朥鲡 莍蠦僷蓅囜豂㵵䌍莍綳 秈雓葻鲮痌莍爏㬌䰳楏枙 顈搗

測僊凟朘鲽脧鞅莍鲡蠦僷莍唟妭枅姀 䰳㭮藺褻婾悷愛褻䆟㭿緁屘傰莍慬榐 栁嚖嚖莍梈雓愗榠䰳㲥懲喰胾尨脅紛鐫楃鉔 殩庘統饕楏枙椵傰閃咼圏灳彚彚掚鲮鳟鲽鈙莍爏囜豂灷撣焥銿彚

澩灳胾淵榬莍褹鲡葍栁慬榐莍鲡鳟倲﹌牰鍥嚃爏牰咼淵榠紼躑齒 鉔屘圏愙榠莍傒縻鲡葍鰜饉襖莍緁襯墜胾 斃瓏脧飫莍萛豂榠樉灳蓌尃椵骶讈紼峸軄鉫椵兏莍楕語襖 兙瀙獆㤦㬡榠紼鍽檯LSA掚鲰槡莍鳕莃傰嚈雓傼葻囂閏繋寜莍鳟鉑躑懲擼鲡凟朘岮莍 TerrafugiaVolocopter衝瀋朙慬榐莍兙樬脻廆IT犻廆噵灳 鲰朥䰰䰳㔜䆓 鲽譀鳇孏鐫縻觠莍胾淵淵躑榊槡觠莍 㮃㤦衝測僊

Willi Tacke

卷首语 editorial


A Book Full of Dreams

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Gustave Whitehead Inventor of the motorized Airplane


Gustave Whitehead now proved first motorized flight was held 1901.

Evidences for this, photos and articles in Newspapers from 1901, are found and so the world foremost authority in aviation history “Jane's All the World's Aircraft” described him now as inventor of motorized flight.


Whiteheads plane Condor 21 flies 14.August 1901 higher and a longer distance then all flights of the Wright brothers 1903. The flight in Fairfield Connecticut was up to 50 feet high and over a distance of more than half a mile direct line, two marks the Wrights beated not before 1904. It even showed rather good ability in steering, because Whitehead dad chosen a testing range at Fairfield Connecticut with some trees in flight direction. Also the Condor 21 seem to bee steered like a modern Hangglicer just by the move of the pilots weight, Condor 22 the next model of Whitehead, has a ruder. The wings were Lilienthal shaped and like some rebuilds shows, rather effective, more effective that the Wings of the Wright brothers, who need a lot of headwind to bring their first motorwing in the air. The high speed of Condor 21, measured by the lokal reporters, was up to30 miles an hour, also much faster than the Wrights a year later.


Whitehead was able to build this motorplane because in his person two important key abilities came together. He was a well educated motor locksmith who has learned his Job for years at the famous Motorcompany MAN and he was much interested in the Lilienthal gliders, which he rebuild, improve and sell in the US before and after his motorflight. So he has enough ability to build a wing for a motorplane, which developed enough lift to lift the plane. Second and more important, because the developments of shape of Wings made by Otto Lilienthal was effective enough for a light motorplane, was the ability to build a light orderly working motor. Because of the engine Question, attemps of  powered flight failed before 1901. After his flight 1901 he selled his new Motors to other flight Pioneers and inveted light and strong motors for planes and boats.

Up to the First World War, it was not officially declared, who was the motorplane inventor, beside Whitehead and the Wright Brothers other inventors of other countries were also in the range. Even in the USA there are more than these two groups.


But then, the Wright spend their plane to the Smithonian Institute, it shall be a long-term loan that remains this institution, as long as the Smithonian does not acknowledge that there had been a powered flight before the Wrights.

During the First World War it was clear, that America could not accept a german as inventor of motorplanes. Gustave Whitehead was a German born in Bavaria, he has changed his name when entering the USA from Gustav Weisskopf to Gustave Whitehead but never lost his accent or take US citizenship. So after 1917 is was clear for all US that only the Wright brothers could be the inventor. In the 1920 the other western countries accept this view. Even in Germany Whitehead was forgotten.


Now some rather clear Evidences like photos for Exhibitions before the Time the wrights were declared winners. This forced “Jane's All the World's Aircraft” to described Whitehead now as an inventor of motor flight.

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